
Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008

Shepherds Pie

Inspiriert durch den Irish Pub in Killington mussten andrea und ich nun auch mal wieder shepherds pie kochen...Lamm ist leider nicht ueberall zu bekommen, aber nach einihem suchen haben wir es bei Adams Fairacre Farms gefunden.

Die Fuellung

Und der pie , fertig gekocht und gebacken ( plus halb gegessen )

Natuerlich gab es dann ein frisches Pint Oatmeal Stout bis ich hinterher spontan in 'River Dance" ausgebrochen bin... Noch 2 monate bis St Patricks Day

Hier das Rezept:

1 onion, diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lb. lamb, minced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 large carrot, diced
1 beef stock cube
1 lb. chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon corn flour
3 tablespoons tomato puree
pinch of salt and pepper
2 lb. potatoes
1 stick butter

This is how to make a real English shepherds pie, made with lamb. If made with beef, it would be known as cottage pie.

Firstly, heat the olive oil in a pan, add the onion, garlic and carrot and cook until soft. Add minced lamb and stock cube, then cook until the mince is brown and shows a crumbly texture. Stir in the tomatoes and tomato puree, and add the corn flour. Leave to simmer, stirring occasionally, for about fifteen minutes, or until thickened.

Meanwhile, peel and chop potatoes and boil until soft, then mash them with the butter and salt and pepper to taste.

Put the filling into a deep dish, then top with the mashed potatoes and put under a warm grill (broiler) until the top is brown and crisp.

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